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How Does Sheep Get Contagious Pleuropneumonia to Do?

Sep. 14, 2020

Sheep infectious pleuropneumonia, also known as mycoplasma pneumonia, is a highly contact infectious disease caused by mycoplasma. Its clinical features are high fever, cough, serous and fibrinous inflammation of the chest and pleura, taking acute and chronic course , The fatality rate is very high.

Emergency measures:

1. Once a sheep is found to be infected with contagious pleuropneumonia, the epidemic area must be sealed off, and the sick sheep must be isolated and treated, and suspected sheep must be isolated and observed in groups.

2. Disinfect the site where the sick sheep has been in contact, including the site, sheep house, feeding utensils and feces. The dead sheep should be treated harmlessly.

3. Treat sick sheep in time. Sensitive drugs can be used in the early stage of the disease. Commonly used drugs include tylosin and oxytetracycline injections, and florfenicol. Take care to avoid drug resistance in sick sheep. 

For sick sheep with serious illness and high fever, the treatment can be treated by intramuscular injection of Yangfeiqing 0.1ml/kg body weight to the sheep once a day for two consecutive days. The dosage can be increased or decreased according to the actual condition of the disease.

4. For healthy sheep that are not infected with the disease, inject sheep infectious pleuropneumonia vaccine, 5ml lamb and 3ml lamb, for emergency prevention. In addition, breeding management should be strengthened to enhance the physical fitness of the sheep, and it is forbidden to enter sheep from the epidemic area.

In summer, the weather is hot and mosquitoes and flies appear in large numbers, the flock's intake is reduced, heat stress, conjunctivitis, and impetigo are frequent. Wenbaidu powder), adding vitamins and trace elements to drinking water to increase the feed intake of the sheep and reduce the incidence!

Oxytetracycline Injections


In addition to strengthening general measures, the key issue for usual prevention is to prevent the introduction or migration of sick sheep and carriers. Newly introduced sheep must be isolated and quarantined for more than one month, and can only be mixed into large groups when they are confirmed to be healthy.

Immunization is an effective measure to prevent this disease.

The sick sheep should be sealed off, and the whole flock should be inspected in time, and sick sheep, suspected sick sheep and supposedly healthy sheep should be isolated and treated in groups; contaminated sheep sheds, grounds, feeding tubes and equipment, and dead sheep Stool, etc., should be thoroughly disinfected or treated without any harm.

While taking the above therapies, it is necessary to strengthen nursing care, combining diet therapy and necessary symptomatic therapy.

The above information is provided by veterinary pharmaceutical companies.


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